In the following competitive auction, my Five diamond free call was not a thing of beauty. However, partner took a view with his void in spades a semi-solid holding in clubs and boosted me to a grand slam
Would you have rather rebid 5C to show a "two suiter"? With the club finesse working, I racked up thirteen tricks at 7D gratefully.
On this hand the robot with his 6D bid shows DK and admits to the trump Queen (Spade queen). I then bid Seven Spades (which the link does not display.) With all suits behaving, I made 13 tricks. My human partner made an interesting comment. He said N should convert 7S to 7NT.
Here is another. This time the robot makes a very strange bid. My understrength offshape 2NT was par for the course. Then partner got frisky. All was well that ends well
Partner professed to have two key cards and the HQ. I said, we cant both have the HQ, you must have six hearts, and short diamonds. Maybe I have cover cards for the grand slam. (On this hand, 5S was a nice bid by the robot! ) But I was lucky North had the SK—he did not promise that card on the bidding. Still, 7H should be at worst on a finesse. I think I bid well