My two spades bid was perhaps shaded by a point. Over three hearts, partner had values to bid four spades. Only my values were borderline.
They got off the HA lead and a H ruff. At this point I could build a picture of the hidden hands, trumps were likely stacked on my right.Righty got out with a low diamond (funny card but immaterial here), I proceeded to win DA, Diamond ruff, Club to king, diamond ruff, at this point with S:A9 tight left on the board, I cashed the trump Ace and observed the fall of the Queen from LHO. I could now see the endgame.
I led the nine of spades, overtaking with the ten, drawing the last trump (the knave) with the King. In the four card ending, dummy was left with H:T C:AJ3. I held S:6 H:KJ C:6. The bidding made it highly likely that lefty had the CQ, but if he did he would be show-up squeezed on the play of the last free winner, the Spade 6.
Indeed on the spade 6, in order to hold his H:Qx lefty came down to the stiff Q. Cashing HK and making the last two tricks with the AJ as the Queen appeared or showed up on the "first round" in the ending was decidedly pleasant.