An ominous lead of T of spades goes to SJ which holds. Obviously a singlton.
I lose the trump finesse, win the D return (covered J, Q and A, and draw trump in two more rounds. (Note: GIB or double dummy engines suggest taking fewer than three rounds trump and playing West for the club King and a doubleton trump, when you can make 12 tricks, but this is not for the feint of heart. After you take three trumps and "test" the spades, the following paragraphs are accurate.)
Setting up Spades has insufficient entries. Clubs are fraught unless there is an endplay.
I find the only exit that works. My losing diamond. When West leads a third round of the suit, I avoid ruffing in either hand, taking a ruff sluff and encouraging another diamond play which will not help defense.
He is forced to play a club and I stick in the queen, and have obtained 10 tricks when I am able to ruff my last spade loser with dummy's trump having pitched the penultimate spade loser on the CQ.
EDIT: Final note as this goes to print. I would be down if the C finesse failed. Instead, I can even make 11 tricks. After drawing trump, there is a beautiful loser on loser line to set up the spades. Overtook the SK with the SA and play the S9, pitching dummy's losing diamond.