This was a well-bid slam. West has overcalled showing the majors. North declares (I had to mmove to the robot's seat)and trick 1 saw the SK picked up by defenders' opening lead. Trick 2 showed the trump split deuce to the King. The trump split is a shock but declarer plays with cards almost known from West's distributional bid. At Trick 3, I took my pitch of a club on the HA. T4, a club to the King was safe as the long majors bidder has no trump. T5, a second round of diamonds to the Queen. Now came a key move, T6 a spade to the TEN! This finesse was important to set up winners. What is that? Yes, luckily W's sense of two suiter was 4-5 in spades-hearts. T7, I led a small spade toward dummy's 3 of trump. E ruffed in (he has no good option, or I make my spades good by ruffing small. Now, on lead with shortened trumps. clubs and hearts, he had no good return. He tried a H T8, with the known position, I played the H Quack, covered and ruffed. My two trump drew his two trump (five-zero overcome since he shortened himself) at Ts 9 and 10. I could make the last three tricks in several ways, having a surfeit of winners, yes, in suits bid by West :) (Note that West had to hold clubs over dummy's AT and had to shorten his hearts, the pride of his two majors.
There was a line of play that yields 13 tricks!! Just pull all three trump after two rounds. Since dummy has a CA entry accompanied by T, west comes under pressure in three suits, He has to pitch from S:Q9x H:K C:Qx, He is toast in the squeeze (I finesse spades for three tricks with CA is one threat, If he throws away his HK, HQ and HJ repeat the squeeze for 13 tricks. Wow
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