In an otherwise lackluster session, partner VilasG (North) and I (South) produced this sensational defense. LHO became declarer at FOUR SPADES (1S-2C-2S-4S, we were silent).
Partner led the DK, I gave count, partner switched to the 6 of clubs! Declarer won Ace and played a spade to the Jack which partner ducked, partner won the next spade with the Ace, and played a second round of clubs. Declarer ruffed a diamond to hand, drew the last trump, and advanced the HK. It was my turn to be in the spotlight, I ducked this to stop the HJ from becoming an entry. Partner correctly throws away the DA in the ending, and partner's Heart comes into its own, as we make two hearts, spade Ace, and Diamond King for our four tricks.
Declarer can overcome this strong defence, but only by playing a heart instead of a trump at Trick 3. He can then ruff the 4th round of hearts with the 8, escaping an overruff because the trump 10 is with North. It's a bit double-dummy because playing on trumps allows you to reach dummy with the jack of hearts when North holds the heart ace. You could then discard the 4th heart on the queen of clubs. This seems to be a better line.